Jane Reeves

Somatic and Sensory Interventions for children and adults.

I am an Occupational therapist with over 30 years’ experience working in child and family services both in the NHS and private practice. This has included work in pre-schools to high schools, child development teams, community clinics, specialist and residential schools, family homes and adoption support services.

I have a particular interest in attachment and trauma and began training in Sensory Attachment Intervention in 2008 and am a certified level 2 SAI Therapist. I offer this as a specific intervention for families as well as the Just Right State Child and Parent programme, VIG (Video Interaction Guidance), EcoSensory Therapy and parent coaching sessions. I also offer Somatic Experiencing sessions for individuals wishing to resolve trauma, build resilience and connect to their own inner wisdom. I am part of the assistant team for the SE training programme in London.

I started my own therapy journey over 30 years ago in a psycho-drama group whilst living in New Zealand. This is also where I began my meditation practice and I have studied with teachers including Stephen Archer (Theravada tradition, NZ) Cecilie Kwiat (Canadian Dharma teacher), Tarchin Hearn (Guiding teacher, Wangapeka Retreat centre, NZ), Paul Taylor (Sati Dharma teacher, UK) and Martin Aylward (Guiding teacher Sangha Live).

I believe we are all seeking a safe haven within, a resting place that we can call home. I believe we all want to connect from a place of ease, to turn towards the light and to be our authentic selves. In the presence of another we can be seen, we can be heard and we can be understood.
As mammals, we are wired to connect and wired to co-regulate. Together we can support our nervous systems to feel safe and come to a place of rest and ease. From here we can begin the journey of relational repair, to enquire with curiosity and compassion into our inner world.

I deeply appreciate both my personal and professional development and the rewards and resources this brings to my life. This includes a strong connection with nature which began in early childhood and continues to be a growing resource in my life which I enjoy bringing into the therapy room. This has led me to explore the benefits of Eco sensory therapy and I look forward to continuing this journey and sharing it both with children and adults.

I have regular individual supervision and peer group supervision and continue to engage in ongoing training and advanced workshops in the SE community and in the field of attachment.
I have a particular interest in a range of models of therapy that support and influence my practice; these include Polyvagal theory, Internal Family Systems, Dynamic Maturational Model of attachment and adaptation, 3 Pillars of attachment/Ideal Parent Figure and Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness.

Somatic Experiencing

Sensory Attachment Intervention

Contact info

I am a member of the professional organisations listed below and abide by their professional ethical frameworks and codes of practice.

Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Somatic Experiencing Association UK (SEAUK)
Association of Sensory Integration Practice (ASIP)
Balens Professional Liability Insurance
DBS enhanced clearance
ICO registered

Client Testimonials

“We’re all just walking each other home” Ram Dass